Broken Promises; Coventry School District Throws Out Students For Not Complying With The HPV Vaccine Mandate


Media Contact
Aimee Gardiner, Director


April 10, 2017

Broken Promises; Coventry School District Throws Out Students For Not Complying With The HPV Vaccine Mandate

Providence, RI- Today, Coventry Middle School sent home teen students that were not in compliance with the mandate of the HPV vaccine. The RI Dept of Health had stated on record that no students will lose class time over the HPV vaccine mandate. Rhode Islanders Against Mandated HPV Vaccinations argued that having a mandate with no intention to enforce it was reason to remove the mandate in itself. Now students are losing class time over a vaccine mandate for a virus not spread by casual contact.

“I was very angry to hear about the situation today. My daughter had recently graduated from a weekly truancy program in regards to her attendance, and I couldn’t believe they would do something for her to lose more school time. She is nervous after working so hard to be on track that this will negatively effect her attendance records again. I don’t understand how kids can get kicked out for something like that. I think it is stupid,” said Ms. Testa about the girls getting dismissed today.

According to Ms. Testa’s daugher, the girls were removed from first period class and held in the office until someone came to pick them up, not allowed to go to the bathroom either. Two other girls stated they did receive the vaccine, but the school stated they didn’t have the paperwork, and all three girls were sent home.

“When I first got the phone call of this situation, my first thought was how ironic that the first school to have a school committee to remit a resolution in support of removing the HPV vaccine from the required list of vaccines for school, was the same district to send students home due to non-compliance. Here is a prime example of why this mandate is completely unreasonable. Currently, there are two bills introduced in the house and two bills in the senate, that support parental rights and to remove the HPV vaccine mandate. Rhode Islanders against mandated HPV vaccinations calls upon the RI legislators to rise up, and pass the bills that remove this mandate and put the power of medical private choice back in the parents hands,” said Aimee Gardiner, Director of Rhode Islanders against mandated HPV vaccinations.

Senator Raptakis has reaffirmed for the second year in a row that the HPV vaccine mandate should be removed from the schedule of vaccines. His bill S0047 is one of two that will be heard by the Senate Heath & Human Services committee, the hearing has not yet been scheduled. Coventry is in Senator Raptakis’ district #33.


Citizens must speak out to the committee members of the Statehouse, and tell them to pass the bills that reverse the mandate of the HPV vaccine.

A prewritten email can be sent. One to the house committee and a second to the senate committee. CLICK HERE to send both emails.




Ms Testa speaks on circumstance in short clip, made by